Holiday Movies



1. Another for those looking for a little horror in their stockings, a new holiday fav featuring a horned creature that likes to scare children
3. Playful turn of legal phrase put Tim Allen in the role of the jolly fat man in Santa _________
4. Jimmy Stewart classic where he learns life cannot be good, but _____________
7. Green meanie that stole Christmas
8. Adam Sandler animated holiday movie eight _______ nights
9. Just how many times can a family forget their kid at home _________ at Christmas?


2. While often debated, there are many who make this a yearly must watch: Die _____
5. Chase the Xmas blues away with Cousin Eddie and the gang in Christmas __________
6. Bill Murray classic that puts a modern spin on the Dicken's classic
10. Don't get them wet, or feed them after midnight, or your holiday is gonna get wrecked with this holiday horror delight