Person of Jesus Year 1



1. In this famous parable, this person was expected to be the bad guy but turned out to embody love and compassion.
2. In John's Gospel, Jesus echoes the words of God when he reveals himself in burning bush: "I ... who I ...".
5. This important quote suggests Jesus did not want to relax the Law, but tighten up the spirit of the Law: "I came not to abolish the Law but to .... it". Matt 5
7. In this Garden, Jesus seemed petrified at the prospect of his imminent arrest
9. These are upholders of the Law. Jesus debated with them, such as about healing the blind man on the Sabbath.
10. In the middle of the night, Jesus walked on this sea. The disciples were afraid, thinking he was a ghost.
13. A sceptic who asks us what's more likely: that Jesus really did perform supernatural miracles or that witnesses were mistaken and the authors exaggerated?
15. Who thinks there are too many inconsistencies among the resurrection accounts, it should be seen as a metaphor of Christian hope.
18. The term which means Jesus was fully human and fully divine
19. Sometimes Jesus's followers called him 'Lord', often he was called '.....' which means teacher.
20. A word which describes people living at the edge of society, or outcasts.
22. Jesus doesn't just ask us to be good on the outside. There must be inner p.... too!
23. This Karl tries to solve the problem of Jesus's self-awareness with an onion analogy. Starts with 'R'
25. "I am the way, the truth and the .... No one comes to the Father except through me". John 8:58
27. Jesus demands more than simply loving your neighbour. Love your .....!
29. What's incredible is that Jesus interacted with people who society judged to be 's......' because they were unclean and therefore cast out from society.
31. Who was Jesus, really? One thing we can be sure of: he is a profound m.......
34. Was Jesus the Liberator in the broadest and most spiritual of ways? Liberator of the whole of h...
37. Jesus accepts the woman who was bleeding, calling her 'D...'
40. Another word for godly, or coming from God


2. Means 'Dad' (and it's the name of a famous Swedish band!).
3. Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocrisy and over-zealous l.... which means they fixated on the letter of the Law instead of the spirit of the Law - love!
4. Some scholars suggest Jesus was a political rebel and zealot who wanted to overthrow the .....
6. Jesus appeared to have the power to forgive ...
8. Maybe the miracles should be seen as a m...., which teaches us something important about God's nature and his kingdom?
11. Who said "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith"?
12. An O.T prophet who made the sun and moon stand still
14. "I am the .... of the world". Jesus utters these words when he heals the blind man.
17. Regarded as definitive 'proof' of Jesus's divinity.
21. Stories with a powerful meaning
24. Some say Jesus was the Son of God because he was able to reverse the catastrophic effects of the .....
26. Another name given to Jesus. It means saviour or anointed one, sent by God. Not the kind the Jews were expecting!
28. The parable of the Lost Son reveals the extent of God's .....
30. In 325AD, this council affirmed the incarnation. Jesus was the same substance as God.
32. Most think Jesus was not preoccupied with political, earthly matters. His mind was on God's Kingdom: 'Give to .... what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's".
33. Hick thinks the incarnation is a square ....
35. Some see Jesus as a social and political agitator and even a M..... rebel .
36. "In the beginning was the ..., and the ...was with God, and the ...was God". John 1:1
38. If your eye causes you to sin (adultery), you should ... it out and throw it away!
39. Jesus didn't just come to liberate the outcasts, he came to liberate us from our toxic p........
41. N.T ..... asks us to look at whom Jesus heals - the outcasts. It's the message that's really important - ALL people are restored in God's kingdom.
41. N.T W... argues that the resurrection must have been genuine or else the Jesus cult would have fizzled out
42. Matthew 5 and the teachings on inner purity form part of Jesus' famous teachings called the Sermon on the M.....